Human Movement and Sport Science, Federation University, St Helen Campus



Federation University




Upgrade, refurbishment and addition to the existing sports and leisure buildings


Mount Helen Campus, Ballarat VIC


The project involved the upgrade, refurbishment and addition to the existing sports and leisure buildings at Federation University’s Mt Helen Campus, just outside of Ballarat.  Spowers provided Architectural, Interior Design and Project Management Services (acting as Superintendent). Primarily driven out of a course certification requirement a significant recrafting of the existing buildings plus some strategically located new buildings is to deliver;

  • A new front door and presentation of the facility to build on its course reputation.

  • Amplify the buildings prominence as a gateway building to the Mt Helen Campus

  • Creation of specialist clinical and exercise science spaces to support the faculty growth

  • Reinforce and enhance the public leisure and clinical components of the facility

  • Create a revitalised student environment to attract new students

  • Building compliance upgrades (including new lift and external pathways)

  • Building maintenance upgrades

  • Improve the legibility and wayfinding to, into and through the existing buildings.

  • Activate the campus connections to the building

  • Create a lively and exciting educational facility that enhances Federation University’s profile in the region.

At the heart of the facility an installation was created around the knowledge tree element (a Federation University touchstone in every new project) which enlivens and contributes to the indigenous narrative through this area.

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